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Our Individual Tutorials
  • Command Line
    The command line is a powerful and flexible text-based interface for interacting with computers. Read full post
  • Text Editor
    Master the basics of this essential tool for editing plain text—the ubiquitous data format used for computer code and the World Wide Web. Read full post
  • Git
    Learn how to use the Git version control system to track changes in projects and collaborate with millions of developers. Read full post
  • HTML
    Build and deploy a real website with HyperText Markup Language, the language of the World Wide Web. Read full post
  • CSS & Layout
    Design a professional site using Cascading Style Sheets, the design language of the Web, and then build & deploy it with a proper static site generator. Read full post
  • Python
    Use the powerful and popular Python programming language to write programs for the command line, then create and deploy a live interactive web application and learn important Python tools for data science. Read full post
  • JavaScript
    Add interactivity to your websites with JavaScript, the only language that can be executed inside web browsers, and then deploy the results to the live Web. Read full post
  • Ruby
    Use the friendly and elegant Ruby programming language to write programs for the command line, then create and deploy a live interactive web application. Read full post
  • Ruby on Rails (Rails 6)
    In this bestselling tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop and deploy real, industrial-strength, web applications with Ruby on Rails. (Covers Rails 6.) Read full post
  • Ruby on Rails (Rails 7)
    In this bestselling tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop and deploy real, industrial-strength, web applications with Ruby on Rails. (Covers Rails 7.) Read full post
  • Action Cable
    Learn to create ultra-responsive real-time applications with the power and convenience of Rails. Read full post
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3200 pages
66 hours
79 chapters
686 videos
945 exercises

It’s an Amazing Series of Tutorials

Some more nice things people have said...

Jimmy Wales Founder, Wikipedia

Q: What is Jimmy Wales' favorite book?

A: It changes often. At the moment, it’s Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. :)

Quora link
About the Command Line Tutorial
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This <a href="">@learnenough</a> commandline book is the best I&#39;ve read on the subject so far. And so is this cartoon from it. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Keith Warter (@KeithWarter) <a href="">July 7, 2017</a></blockquote>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Day 63: Went through a command line tutorial by <a href="">@mhartl</a>. I like this course because I get to practice while learning. I find myself getting really burned out by really long tutorial videos, so this was a nice change of pace. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#100DaysOfCode</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dayren Tolliver (@dayren_tolliver) <a href="">June 1, 2019</a></blockquote>

Michael Hartl’s guide to the command line is an awesome tutorial for beginners and a great refresher for experienced programmers as well.

— Paul Yi

I bought the Learn Enough command line program and videos last fall, and it’s paid off sooooo many times in my new job. During my first week, I had a manager sitting right beside me giving me the “go here, go there, do this, etc.” Having watched, read, and done the exercises, I was confident in getting around the CLI—and even had him asking, ”What was that shortcut?” For this, I thank you. Now I need a “Learn even more CLI to be dangerouser.”

I’m just writing to say I enjoyed Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous. I’m a senior CS student and was actually already familiar with the UNIX console, however, I didn’t find your book boring or tedious at any point, quite the contrary! It was a nice refresher of the basics, and I actually learned some new tricks (being able to search inside the manpages for instance). The chapter + exercise format was effective in solidifying concepts for me.

I stumbled upon your website by luck a couple weeks back and since then I have gone through the Developer Fundamentals series, which I have to say exceeded my expectations and filled in many gaps in my knowledge which multiple other online tutorials failed to do.

— Tayyab I.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I&#39;ve done a lot of programming tutorials and I just want to commend <a href="">@LearnEnough</a>&#39;s intro tutorial (text editor, git, terminal, HTML) for showing how to make a website and publish it to the world. None of the other tutorials have made it &quot;click&quot; like this one. Thanks guys. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Calvin Fung (@theCalvinEffect) <a href="">January 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
David Heinemeier Hansson Creator, Ruby On Rails
About the CSS & Layout Tutorial
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">@learnenough</a> CSS&amp;Layout is just fabulous, many thanks for that! In Listing 193 you repeat a css rule, which is missing from Listing 192 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mario Trost (@MaTrost) <a href="">September 17, 2017</a></blockquote>

I can’t thank you enough for the tutorials! I just recently finished the CSS & Layout tutorial and designed my portfolio based off of what you walked us through. Thanks a million for your tutorials… my skills have been upped tremendously from Learn Enough!

— Sean R.

I have only just finished reading the first four chapters, but I have to say that they are the best four chapters on CSS/Layout that I have ever read. Well done! Very much looking forward to reading the remaining chapters.

— Az W.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">R1D39: Ok, profitable day if you ask me. First, I did almost all the chapter 5 on the <a href="">@LearnEnough</a> CSS course. It&#39;s awesome how clear they are to explain positioning and how centering objects.<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#100DaysOfCode</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CodeNewbie</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#freeCodeCamp</a></p>&mdash; Reinid Valarino (@ReinidVal) <a href="">October 1, 2019</a></blockquote>
About the Learn Enough Courses

I must say, this Learn Enough series is a masterpiece of education. Thank you for this incredible work!

— Michael K.

I must say, this Learn Enough series is a masterpiece of education. Thank you for this incredible work!

— Michael K.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I have nothing but fantastic things to say about <a href="">@LearnEnough</a> courses. I am just about finished with the <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#javascript</a> course. I must say, the videos are mandatory because <a href="">@mhartl</a> will play the novice, and share in the joy of having something you wrote actually work! 🤓</p>&mdash; claudia marie (@StarvingHearts) <a href="">May 30, 2019</a></blockquote>

I want to thank you for the amazing job you have done with the tutorials. They are likely the best tutorials I have ever read.

— Pedro I.

I have been trying to learn web development and programming on and off for the past 3 years and your website is the first one that I feel does the job right.

— Janelle S.

Just bought the new ebook and want to say keep up the great work!! The Learn Enough to Be Dangerous series re-ignited my desire to code after 10+ years of “meh”.

— Diane Y.

The Learn Enough Society and the courses are incredible. It’s the best value in the market of online courses in my opinion. Like you say, it’s learning to tech, which is very useful in our world.

— Sébastien D.

I just meant to tell you: your tutorial books from the Learn Enough series are awesome! The books are well-written, clear, concise, super-useful, and even fun to read. Thank you so, so much for this! I have bought the first three and will buy whatever you publish next. Keep up doing this very good work and thanks again.

— Pierre W.

Have been following the whole “Learn Enough to Be Dangerous” series and am VERY impressed with it. I am a project manager who works with software developers daily. These sessions have provided me with a huge amount very useful information, to the extent that I now not only understand what the dev guys are talking about, but am starting to use the tools (command line, Git, etc.) that they use.

— Brian

Michael Hartl is one of the best educators around when it comes to web development. I have been following him for a long time, and everything he produces is top quality. If you are looking for a quick way to become a thorough and productive professional web developer, Hartl’s books are a great place to start.

— Abram Bailey
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Also - if you are working through <a href="">@RailsTutorial</a> you will probably check out <a href="">@LearnEnough</a> quite soon, which is an incredible resource for people starting out. Same high quality as the rails tutorial, while still digestible for people starting out.</p>&mdash; Michael Wallbaum (@mwallba) <a href="">April 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

Hi, my name is Philip, and I’m a beginning learner of web development. I’ve dabbled in small ways in Ruby/Rails for about a year and a half. Occasionally, I write ruby scripts to solve problems at my job. I also dabble in learning: JavaScript, Ember, more Ruby/Rails, brief intro readings into Scala.

I’ve tried Codeschool, Codecademy, and I’ll stop there, so you don’t spend the next 3 hours reading all the different learning resources I’ve tried.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Rails 5) is undoubtedly, the most effective and educational resource I’ve ever come across when it comes to learning anything about web development or writing any code on any level.

Here’s what you seem to understand that everyone else just gets wrong: There’s a big spectrum between the very beginner basics: declaring variables, to voodoo, magical, incantational trickery of witchcraft, like building your own web server.

Almost all tutorials make this mistake. The first couple “lessons” are good for people who don’t even have a clue what computer programming is and then suddenly, there’s a big jump to what seem to be concepts that only seasoned developers have mastered.

Thanks for such a great, educational guide in Ruby on Rails.

— Philip

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